Your Family Headshave Scenario (with english translation)

Your younger sister to your wife: "Hey big brother, here is a surprise for you! Vadina (sister in law) (your wife) is also going to get her headshave done along with us!" Your wife to you: "Yes dear. You asked me to get my head shaved, remember? and now your sister has convinced me too. That is why I'm getting my head shaved." Your wife's mom to your wife: "Hey, why are you getting your head shaved? Isn't it enough that your mother in law and sister in law are getting their heads shaved from your house? Why are you getting ready for headshave without any vow?" Your mom to your wife's mom: "Hey vadina (sister in law), will you shut your mouth or what! She's not just your daughter anymore but now she is my daughter in law too. Her hair, her choice. She'll grow it or shave it. Being her mother in law I have no objections and why do you care? If you so can't see your daughter with bald head, you better shut up and get your head...