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I'm so lucky to have a mom who loves getting my headshaved without my consent although I'd always say yes 😝

He is not innocent

If he has a boner, that means he loves it and she's not getting any sleep tonight. It's better to have over performing headshave fetishist hubbies instead of having normies who underperform.

Match Made

Impossible to find such girl, unless you're super duper successful 😝 or have killer looks.. If you are neither just shave your head and pray your fantasies come true.. 😊

When customs favour your headshave (With English Translation)

Father in law: "So, you're giving your hair too, right dear?" Mother in Law: "Of course she will.. our family has a custom of getting the mother's head shaved too when we have a male child after all.." Her: "You're right Attayya (MIL).. But your son told me that I may not look good with total bald look and ask me to refrain from headshave..!" Mother in Law: "Let him cry, dear. You will look so good with gundu. I'll talk some sense into him, you just get your head shaved smoothly, the hair will grow back thicker too." Her: "Okay Attaya, I'll get my head shaved as you say."  

Laughing at his misery (with English Translation)

Translation: *Nivi watching her boyfriend's head being shaved in front of all her friends* "Poor moron..! I told him that the girls need one guy to play the only male character of their play and he's off to play that role but he didn't even give me the time to reveal that it is a play about eve teasing awareness and that male character is the eve teaser who gets his head shaved as part of the play! Now all those girls are shaving his head smooth, lol..!"

Shalini's bad luck (With English Translation)

Translation: Superior : " Shalini, what's up with that sudden headshave and all those wounds and bandages? What happened?" Shalini: "Sir, these are two completely unrelated and coincidental happenings sir. Yesterday you scolded me for playing with my hair during the class and to fix my attitude I went to the barbershop near my home and got my head shaved. On my way back home, the street lights were not lit and our neighbor kid chintu who was cycling there was frightened by my bald look in the dark and screamed loudly. The street dog started chasing me. I fell into the gutter trying to evade it. Luckily my gundu didn't get a single scratch Sir."

What the.. (with English translation)

Translation: *Thinking about her boyfriend* "This guy told me that we'd both get definitely married to each other if we got our heads shaved at this temple and got my head shaved smooth. Now he is flirting with that hat selling girl over there!"

Foreword (added english translation)

Translation: "See Mr. Barber, don't be shy that I look all posh and stylish! Please rub my shaved head 4 times or more and make sure it is very smooth... Take as much money as you want but make sure you don't leave any marks, this is my first headshave after marriage!"

Gundu Fellow🤭


Tonsure Hall scenario (with english translation)

Translation: *In the tonsure hall* 1. "Wow, you look so cute with that gundu sis! Now my turn, let me touch your head come here!" 2. "Hello, could you stop being over excited and sit down for your gundu? it's your turn now. You're stalling and causing my headshave to be delayed." 3. "This girl looks like a b*mbo. I must say I'm from cnn and dupe her and record her headshave!"

I know your secret

These fetishists are easy to spot, especially when they don't wear hats.

Bad Luck (with English Translation)

Translation: "They told me that I'd have lot of scenes with bald look and got my head shaved. Now they've removed bald look entirely for my character in the final draft and are asking me to act with a wig..!"

Weird Boyfriend (with English Translation)

Translation: When you wake up in the middle of the night to 'scrrkk' sounds see your bald boyfriend in the bathroom: "I think he's shaving his head again with the razor I use to shave my pu*ic hair.. I'll have to talk to him tomorrow about his fetish and shave his head by myself from now on. This is disturbing my sleep everyday."

When husband can't fulfill all your desires.. (with english translation)

Translation: "Come on in, Mr. barber, it's me whose head must be shaved. I asked my husband to shave my head but he said he can't and told me he'd send a barber home. Now if you shave my head first, there are few other things my husband ' can't ' and I'd like to make you do them too. What do you say?"

Surprise (with english translation)

Translation: "What's this dear, you brought me to your village temple saying it's just some pooja ritual, but here why is there a barber sitting under the tree and why are you asking me to wet my hair now?"

Too smooth (with English Translation)

Translation: "I think this barber uncle likes my shaved head too much cause he has been running his hand all over and shaving repeatedly to make it extremely smooth... Mom made me agree to this headshave saying I'll be having a boycut within 3 months.. if this is the case, i doubt if I will even have a dippa cutting after 6 months."

Quick solution (with English Translation)

Translation: "Director Sir, I didn't know that today's shoot had sleeveless costumes for me and I forgot to shave my underarms. I'm also allergic to veet. There is some other shoot happening in a nearby set where they are getting junior artists' heads shaved for some comedy scene it seems.. If you let me, I will go over there to have my armpits shaved and comeback within 5 mins, sir."

Challenge that costed hair (with english translation)

Translation: Reporter: "Ma'am, at the time of launch of this movie, didn't you make a challenge that you would shave your head if the movie flops?" Keerthy: "Yes, I did. That's why the headshave community from facebook review bombed my movie and made the movie flop hard. How can I not shave my head now.. I'm going to tirumala next week and I'll be shaving my head there."

Divine motivation (with English translation)

"I cried so much at home that I don't want this headshave at temple but over here why do I suddenly feel this strong desire to get my headshave done! Let God take care of everything else, I'll just go and get all this long hair totally shaved.."

D Day (with English Translation)

"We've finally reached tirupati.. just few more hours and all my long hair will be removed and made a smooth bald head.. It's my 10 years long dream after all.."

Ayyo Papam (So sad)

"When my husband asked me for my gold jewellery to mortgage them and cover his business losses he asked me if I loved him more or the gold ornaments. Thinking he may spare my jewellery if I impressed him by saying that 'I love you more, this jewellery is worth less than my hair to me.' That's it.. he immediately took me to barbershop and got my headshave done and sold that hair too for cash!"

Edichav le.. Inka pada..! (Enough, now come!)

"You lied me that there is no vow and brought me here to tirupati and now you're asking me to come to tonsure hall with you for my headshave.. Don't you have an ounce of shame or what, dear?"

Calm down (with English Translation)

"Hello Hello..! calm down! I know you get excited whenever I mention 'Headshave' but we are going to tirupati not for my headshave but my younger brother's! Don't get your hopes up that I may come back with gundu. My headshave will happen only after our marriage.."

Tuition Peril (with English Translation)

"What? Just because I slapped your son's shaved head, you won't send your son to the tuition until his hair grows back ha? If he can't even recite math tables properly even after reaching tenth class, should I kiss him instead of slapping him?"

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