
Showing posts from December, 2022


I'm so lucky to have a mom who loves getting my headshaved without my consent although I'd always say yes ๐Ÿ˜

He is not innocent

If he has a boner, that means he loves it and she's not getting any sleep tonight. It's better to have over performing headshave fetishist hubbies instead of having normies who underperform.

Match Made

Impossible to find such girl, unless you're super duper successful ๐Ÿ˜ or have killer looks.. If you are neither just shave your head and pray your fantasies come true.. ๐Ÿ˜Š

When customs favour your headshave (With English Translation)

Father in law: "So, you're giving your hair too, right dear?" Mother in Law: "Of course she will.. our family has a custom of getting the mother's head shaved too when we have a male child after all.." Her: "You're right Attayya (MIL).. But your son told me that I may not look good with total bald look and ask me to refrain from headshave..!" Mother in Law: "Let him cry, dear. You will look so good with gundu. I'll talk some sense into him, you just get your head shaved smoothly, the hair will grow back thicker too." Her: "Okay Attaya, I'll get my head shaved as you say."  

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