
Showing posts from March, 2023

Next time mom.. (with english translation)

"Hey, the summer is here and how are you still keeping up with that mess on your head? Don't you feel uncomfortable with that much hair? Go to barbershop and get a short haircut, go!" "Aaa! what is this sweetie, you came back with a smoothly shaved head! If you had the thought of having your headshave done instead of a haircut you could've told me na.. I'd have shaved your head neatly with your dad's razor at home itself!"  

Poetic Justice (with english translation)

"Aaha.. just like a snake charmer dies of a snake bite, you who always bothered me asking me to shave my head and trying to shave my head ended up having your headshave done.. Poor you!"  

Wild thoughts of Headshave Lover Daughter In Law (with english translation)

DIL's inner thought : "Oh, Attayya (MIL) sat down for headshave after the men of the house.. Looks like she is a secret headshave lover too just like me!" MIL: "What's up dear? You're staring at the headshaves like that.. Do you also want to have your head shaved huh? Tell me, I won't think anything bad of you!" DIL: "You won't object or anything, right? I have an itch between my legs just watching your smoothly shaved head.. If you say yes I feel like taking all my clothes off and have my head shaved here by the barber!"  

Bald Husband can't stop (with English translation)

Translation:  "What is this honey? Can't you control yourself even a tiny bit? I know you're so excited at how smooth I just shaved your head but that doesn't mean you can come over and rub that shaved head all over my but**cks while I'm working.. Aaahhh! I know you why you're doing this. You want me to get tempted into asking you to shave my head too just like I did yours, don't you?"

Different kind of massage (with english translation)

Translation: "When he offered me a head massage and said no when I brought Oil should have given it away. Now I know that the head massage he was offering was with water and a straight razor..!" (pic sourced from fb)

Shocked Item Dancer (with english translation)

Translation: Director: "The villain will shave the head of item girl midway of the song. The part with your hair is done. Now for the latter part you will have to shave your head." item girl: "Usually the headshave happens to either villain or hero.. Who the hell writes a headshave scene for an item girl..!!"

He knows it is what you want...

What is he up to?

Femdom Headshave Caps to get you riled up

Andrea got me. I'm bald now.

Side effects of Headshave (with English translation)

English caption:

The change over is something else

For the love of hot wives, please shave your heads.

Four types of women

So, who's your favorite?

Bitter Pill to swallow

Thanks for enlightening us.

Wait until we get home

She's like "Let me see how far will he go.."

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