
Showing posts from May, 2023

Language Problem

Hair will grow back atleast...

She knows her son too well (with english translation)

Translation:  *My home headshave scenario* 1. "Sweetie, come and sit down for your headshave. Barber says he has other works too, why don't you listen?" 2. "Offo, we just got your wife's head shaved. She won't have any hair for a while anyway, you can play with her bald head later too now come and get your head shaved!" 3. "Hey Daughter in law, what are you still doing here after your headshave without going for a bath? I have to get my head shaved too after my son's.." 4. "My son's headshave madness has not gone down at all.. He used to not leave my bald head when I used to get my head shaved along with him in his childhood. Now it's his wife's head. Pretty sure he won't stop bothering me too after this headshave."

Learn to read her signs (with english translation)

Translation: *My wife during my village headshave* "I didn't speak a word back at the tonsure hall cause our relatives were all around us but I have to say your beard and moustache look so bad with that shaved head of yours and do not suit you at all! Even then I was trying to convey the same back there silently by touching my lips and signalling you to get them shaved but you thought I was giving you a flying kiss and blushed so hard for no good reason!"

Fine. Get over with it.

Can't escape at any costā˜ŗļø

Impatient Boyfriend (with english translation)

Translation: "Dude, I told you I'm definitely getting my headshaved, right? Then why do you keep bringing up that topic again and again? We are going to Tirupati next week. I will get my headshave done there and comeback here. Just because you can't wait to see me with shaved head, should I shave my head today and here itself and go to tirupati next week or what?"

Too late (with english translation)

Translation: Your friend: "Omg, why are getting your head shaved? When I said 'donating our hair' I meant donating few inches or half our hair. Just cause I had to park our car a little bit far from here and took time to walk here, you committed this blunder šŸ˜‚" You: "You should have told me that before we came here you stupid s**t! What else would I assume when you showed me a reel of girl getting her head shaved and tell me that we should donate our hair too? You tell me that after I got inspired by that video like a moron and got my half head shaved?

Wife wins, no matter what.

She looks so cool though

Innocent Maid (with english translation)

Translation: "What's this madam! You ask me to come with you to carry your luggage and since it is to tirupati, I thought I'd gain some good karma by coming with you. Is it really fair to threaten me by saying you'll fire me if I don't get my headshave done along with you? My mom is planning my wedding next month too!"

She dared me (with english translation)

Translation: 1. *My overacting GF when I her to not take me for granted* "What are you gonna do? Are you that much of man? You may rail me a few more times tonight, that's it. What else?" 2. *A few moments later* "Dude, why did you wet my hair scantily? What are you searching for over there? Oh, God! Why is he taking a straight razor out?"

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