Sisters who got scammed (with english translation)

1. *Wife who got duped by Attili Satti Babu (from Vikramarkudu movie Headshave Scene) talking to her younger sister:
"Hey sis, don't tell this to anyone. The Headshave status I put up 2 days back saying I did it at a temple is not true. It actually happened due to a fake baba and his side kick scamming people. I got greedy and ended up with a shaved head like this. I'm calling you to warn cause you're greedier than me. Please be careful..!"
2. *Meanwhile that younger sister on the other side talking to herself*
"Good lord, so her headshave happened just like mine..! I have been crying since morning after I got scammed that it happened only to me. Looks like there are many more sheep like me out there who got shorn..! 😁😁😁"


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