
Showing posts from June, 2023

Over protective Bros

Just stay quiet.

Sisters discussing Headshave

Translation: 1. Middle one: "Sis, I'm telling you now and here itself. I won't be shaving my head at the temple." 2. Eldest one: "Are you kidding me? Didn't you hear what mom said? She told us all three of us to get our heads shaved. She knew you'd throw shit like this and put me incharge of our headshaves." 3. Youngest one: (in her mind) "Why are they talking about headshave? I thought it was going to be just 3 scissors."

Worth it


Hello Ma'am..

Some would be embarrassed, but this is me.

My wife's sweet warning šŸ˜— (with English translation)

Translation: "See honey, when I took you to the barbershop near our home to get your head shaved you said that you're feeling shy to get your headshave done there. So I brought you to this unisex salon. You won't have to worry about being shy here. If you try to chicken out even now making some garbage excuses, you know what I'd be doing later, right? I'm gonna buy four new leather belts on our way home then..!"

Headshave Scalpcare (with english translation)

Translation "After having all the hair shaved off, I got the head shaved against the grain twice for an extremely smooth output. That is why when I applied after shave lotion it is stinging quite a bit..!"

Sisters who got scammed (with english translation)

Translation: 1. *Wife who got duped by Attili Satti Babu (from Vikramarkudu movie Headshave Scene) talking to her younger sister: "Hey sis, don't tell this to anyone. The Headshave status I put up 2 days back saying I did it at a temple is not true. It actually happened due to a fake baba and his side kick scamming people. I got greedy and ended up with a shaved head like this. I'm calling you to warn cause you're greedier than me. Please be careful..!" Translation: 2. *Meanwhile that younger sister on the other side talking to herself* " Good lord, so her headshave happened just like mine..! I have been crying since morning after I got scammed that it happened only to me. Looks like there are many more sheep like me out there who got shorn..! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜"

Good Karma (with english translation)

"They got me here to this temple to get my headshave done without even considering the fact that I've been newly married into their house only for a week now.. I think this is my good karma from past lives that a secretly fetishistic girl like me has ended up becoming a daughter in law to a house like this..!"

Disappointing News (with english translation)

Translation: "Oh, she filed a case on him for that little? This husband definitely seems to be a fetishist. Why don't guys like these end up husbands to headshave lovers like me.. I'd have had my head shaved willingly without any complaints.."

Just let celebs shave their Head in peace (with english translation)

Translation: "I just got my head shaved after all.. Why are you overreacting as if I'm doing a photoshoot in a swimsuit even at this age? We can manage with wigs in movies. I don't know what bothers you so much about my headshave?"

How could she...

When Normal people see fetishists getting shaved...

Picky Customer (with english translation)

Translation: "Have you put a nice quality blade? If not, just tell me, I will get them from shop nearby. My shaved head turning out real smooth is important to me..!"

Headshave for money - Foul mouthed negotiation (with english translation)

Translation: "The amount I quoted you earlier includes only my Headshave. If you wanna 'do' me too then it will cost you triple the amount.You must have thought of taking advantage of me because I'm just a w**** whose husband left her.. Now pay me triple the amount to shave my head and F*** me or just pay me the original sum to shave my head, take my hair and F*** off..!"

She loves the difference

Women's preferences are clear

Wife's expectations ruined (with english translation)

Translation: 1. "Honey, you told me we're going to your cousin's marriage right? I have applied for week's leave at the office and just got it. I'm gonna pack all my nice outfits. I'll blow the roof there!" 2. "I prepped so much without knowing that marriage venue is tirupati. My husband thought he won't have time after the ceremony and took me to the temple the day before itself to get my head shaved and brought me like this to the marriage. Thought I'll be blowing the roof here but instead he blew my hair off.. B*stard!"  

The cost of over confidence

No escape...

That didn't work

She seems to have enjoyed the headshave actually

Wish Barbers didn't do that

That too in nothing but inners šŸ¤­

Elder Sister is surprised (with english translation)

Translation: 1. *To her younger brother* "Didn't mom and dad get their heads shaved along with you yesterday at the temple by the same barber? Then why does your Head look so much smoother than their heads? Did you shave it again without telling us or what?" 2. "You did! didn't you? You sneaky little rascal! Why do you like headshave so much dude? When my brand new Venus razor in the bathroom felt dull this morning I knew something was up.. So this was it!"

Siblings can make you end up Bald quicker

Can expect what happened next...

A Headshave Fetishist's wife's monologue.. (with english translation)

Translation: 1. "This barber seems weird. He could just rub with his hand to check the smoothness of the shaved head but he is squeezing the head so much while shaving it.." 2. "What about my mother in law then.. He's squeezing and touching her head so much and even at this age she's shamelessly closing her eyes and enjoying his touch. I guess it feels so good to have your head shaved..!" 3. "Well, why wouldn't it be.. There's an ongoing rumor in the village that she has been having an affair with this same barber guy in the name of weekly headshave for being a widow..!" 4. "I think my husband inherited his headshave fetish from this b***h only. When I told him that people may mistake me for a widow if I shaved my head, he said let people think he is dead, but won't let me go without getting my head shaved and made me sit down here for my headshave along with my MIL. What else can I do now apart from shaving my head.....

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