Telugu Memes 56 to 60 (added english translation)

"Thank goodness, you're finally here! I was about to go to barbershop instead.. I have been waiting here since so long with these new blades in my hand cause you wanted to shave my head. Now shave my head without delaying further."

"Hey. get a snap of my long hair. This might be last one with hair. I'm leaving to have my head shaved. Why don't you wait? I will be back in some time and you can do a photoshoot of mine with a smoothly shaved head!"

"Hey everyone, I've got a surprise for you all! I will be shaving my head right here and now infront of you all and not just that! I'm gonna give one lucky person among you a chance to shave half my head!"

"Before coming here I had no intentions of shaving my head. But after coming here and seeing so many women getting their heads shaved, I have decided to offer my hair too."

"For all you who've been wishing me a happy birthday, I'm gonna shave my head for you all.. that too with loose hair without knots."


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