Telugu Memes 86 to 90 (added english translation)

"Instead of standing there and staring at me, why don't you go and wet your head? Don't you want your shaved head to turn out smooth or what?"

"Aaahhh.. It feels so good to have my head shaved with straight razor like this.. I should get my head shaved again next week by him."

"I was dying to get all this hair on my head shaved soon, now you're telling me you want to shave my head with your own hands. Thank you honey."

"Uhh why is this barber being so rough my headshave! The loser didn't even wet my head first."

"I have been here sitting in this waiting chair since so long and not a single person has bothered to ask me anything. I should have just gone to the cheap barbershop near our house. I would have gone home with a smoothly shaved head by now."


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